Friday, November 13, 2009

Post Sept. 11 Presidential Address

Over the years, I've heard comments that President Bush's public speaking ability is less than desirable. He's not quite as personable as his predecessor, President Clinton, nor the current president, President Obama. I decided, since it had been too long since I had heard any major addresses from President Bush, I would review some major speeches and form my own opinion.
The first I chose to review was this post 9/11 address. Upon watching it, I found that President Bush's eyes never leave the same general area. It's as if he's reading the entire speech from a teleprompter. This is fine, however, good speech givers disguise this; blinking helps. Practiced speakers become familiar enough with the speech that a line from the teleprompter is enough to get them through several upcoming lines.

The possibility this speech being read could explain why several sentences seem a little choppy. Another good help for speech giving is to practice it before hand to make sure the sentences flow.

Body position is another thing that could help President Bush's speech delivery. His tense frame makes him seem nervous and unsure, almost, of what he is saying.

Why is it, though, with some of these weaknesses of delivery that President Bush's 9/11 address exhibits, was his popularity at an all time high? Why is it that despite a knack for public speaking I regard this speech as one of the most important our nation has received?

It all goes back to a famous quote my English professor at BYU-Idaho always said: "Content is key."

President Bush nails the content in this message, and that makes up for all the other areas that may be lacking in this area. He fronted an issue that needed to be faced straight on and immediately. He gave hope to America by showing its strengths and its resolve to overcome this trial.

He said, “A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundation of America’s biggest buildings, but they cannot shake the foundation of America…the brightest beacon for freedom.”
He continued by recognizing the brave servicemen who represented the “best of America.” He also presented a plan to protect the injured of our nation wherever they may be. He said that the American Economy would not shut down, but would be open for business the next day. He promised that the terrorists and all who harbored them would be sought out and punished similarly. His concluding plea that all Americans pray for our country tied up his organized plan, which factored into the nation’s being able to work through the September 11th tragedy. It is this same organized plan that makes this speech  a king of content and, thus, worthwhile.

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